
ponedeljek, 28. april 2014

Happy moments

The Kinfolk table

This cookbook has been on my wish list from the moment it was released. One month ago, Gasper bought it for me. I couldn’t get a more beautiful book. This book contains not only recipes but also stories of people and how they live . Easily my favorite source of inspiration.
The Kinfolk table

Ta kuharska knjiga je bila na mojem seznamu želja od trenutka, ko je izšla. En mesec nazaj, mi jo je Gašper kupil. Česa lepšega ne bi mogla dobiti. Ta knjiga ne vsebuje le recepte ampak tudi zgodbe ljudi, kako živijo. Preprosto je moj najljubši vir inspiracije.

I spent last weekend at my parent’s house and I intentionally took my camera with me, so I could bother our cat with shooting. Ahhh, cats are so beautiful.

Prejšnji vikend sem bila doma pri starših in namerno vzela s seboj fotoaparat, da sem lahko nadlegovala našega mačka s fotografiranjem. Ahhh, mačke so tako lepe. 

You know that the sweetest thing is when you’re in bed, watching your favorite TV show and eating homemade brownie and a bunch of sweet cream and toping of cupcakes? You know that, right? And when you bake cupcakes and you offer them  to people who visit your home?

Saj veš, da je nekaj najlepšega, ko v postelji gledaš svojo najljubšo nadaljevanko in zraven ješ domač brownie in en kup sladke smetane in topinga od cupcakes zraven? Veš kajne? In ko spečeš cupcakes in jih ponudiš ljudem, ki obiščejo tvoj dom?

All of you already know that I love food photography. I decided to try people photography too. In February I photographed Gasper, recently my friend came to visit me along with her ​​daughter and I just had to capture this beautiful little model through the lens.

Vsi že veste, da rada fotografiram hrano. Mejčkn sem prešaltala še na ljudi. Februarja sem fotografirala Gašperja, pred kratkim pa je bila pri meni na obisku prijateljica skupaj z njeno hčerko in ni šlo brez, da bi to luštno manekenko ujela skozi objektiv. 

The moment I put my jogging clothes on, I feel motivated. Sometimes, the hardest moment is  precisely this one, when I decide that I will go out for a run, that’s the beginning of a workout. Once I cross this point, I'm fine. That's when I know that I'm actually really going to run. Despite the fact that it’s not easy to run, I enjoy it. This is my disconnection from the world and connection to nature, to myself, to my mind. The lower limit is 10km.

V trenutku, ko oblečem tekaška oblačila, se počutim motivirano. Včasih je najtežje ravno to, se odločiti, preoblečiti, ker je ravno to začetek telovadbe. Ko enkrat prečkam to točko, sem v redu. Takrat vem, da bom dejansko res odtekla svoje. Kljub temu, da se med tekom borim sama s seboj, v njemu uživam. To je moj odklop od sveta in priklop k naravi, sebi, svojim mislim. Spodnja meja je 10km.
Learning something new – Drawing

I never knew how to draw, so I wanted to improve, at least a little in this area. I went to the library, I found a big stack of books on how to learn to draw and I barely drag them home. Before that, I spent some time looking a hardcover  notebook to draw in. I bought a charcoal pencil and I began. Unfortunately, I have to return these books really soon, but I am determined that I will continue to learn how to draw and re-borrow them.
Učenje nečesa novega-risanje

Nikoli nisem znala risati, zato sem si zaželela, da bi se vsaj malo poboljšala na temu področju. Odšla sem v knjižnico, nabrala en velik kup knjig o tem, kako se naučiti risati ter ga komaj privlekla domov. Pred tem sem kar nekaj časa iskala blok s trdimi platnicami v katerega bi risala. Kupila sem še svinčnike z ogljem in začela. Na žalost moram knjige kmalu vrniti, ampak odločena sem,da bom pri tem vztrajala in si jih ponovno izposodila.
Walking and reading books in the nature

I'm constantly pulled into the nature, since Spring really kicked in. In the morning I go to a nearby hill, I take a book with me, and after a speed walk to the top and back down, I sit on a bench and I read. These are the most beautiful & quiet moments.
Sprehod in branje knjig v naravi

Odkar je zunaj tako lepo, me stalno vleče v naravo. Dopoldne se odpravim na bližnji hrib, seboj vzamem knjigo in potem, ko s hitro hojo pridem do vrha in dna, sedem na klopco in berem. Najlepši & mirni trenutki.
Under the covers

The most beautiful time is spent under the covers. FINITO.
Pod kovtrom

Najlepše je biti pod kovtrom. PIKA. 

sreda, 2. april 2014

Blast From the past: Sardinia

A few years ago, I flew for the first time. This was my only such experience so far. We flew from Trieste to Sardinia and back. Gašper met new friends on some kite trip, and they made a plan for kite trip during Slovenian Spring holiday - Sardinia. There were 6 of us, 4 guys and 2 girls, both non-kiters. I only knew Gašper. I survived the flight =)! But we had some problems, because there wasn’t enough space on the plane (almost every one of us was sitting alone) and some of our luggage was transferred elsewhere because there wasn’t enough space in overhead bins. When we flew to Sardinia, a rented motorhome was waiting for us at the airport, which was absolutely too small for 6 people. We soon discovered that they stole money from the luggage, that was transferred. Really classy Rayner.

But the whole thing was very cool. We drove around in our RV (4 days), from one beach to another, the weather was pretty much lousy, the inside of our RV was a complete mess, because the weather was rainy + beach sand + all that kitesurfing equipment = result that remains after a bomb explodes. We ruined a couple of things in the RV (not intentionally), we closed the sky window with silver tape (because we broke it and couldn’t close it anymore), we woke up one day in the middle of the flood, and some workers helped us, towed us out of there and really, if I think about it, I can honestly say that it was great. Such nonsense and problems are the ones you remember the most at the end and laugh about it every time you remember it.

With love, Neja
Nekaj let nazaj sem prvič letela. Za enkrat je bila to tudi edina taka izkušnja. Iz Trsta do Sardinije in nazaj. Gašper je na kajtarskem tripu spoznal nove prijatelje in naredili so načrt, za prvomajski kajtarski trip-Sardinija. Bilo nas je 6. Štirje fantje, dve punci in obe nekajtarki. Poznala sem samo Gašperja. Let sem preživela =)! So pa bile manjše štale, ker je bilo na letalu premalo prostora (skoraj vsak od nas je sedel sam) in nekaj naše prtljage so premestili drugam, ker v tistih omaricah nad glavo ni bilo dovolj prostora. Ko smo prileteli do Sardinije nas je na letališču čakal najet avtodom, ki pa je bil absolutno premajhen za 6 ljudi. Kmalu smo ugotovili, da so dvema iz prtljage ukradli denar. Res elegantno Rayner.

Ampak vse skupaj je bilo prav cool. 4 dni smo se stiskali v avtodomu, vozili iz ene plaže na drugo, vreme je bilo bolj ušivo, v avtodomu smo imeli totalen skret, ker nas je bilo tako veliko + deževno vreme + mivka + ogromno kajtarske opreme = rezultat, ki ostane, ko raznese bombo. Par stvari smo pokvarili v avtodomu (nenamerno), zalepili strešno okno s silvertejpom (ker smo ga pokvarili in se ga ni dalo zapreti), se zjutraj zbudili sredi poplave en dan, iz katere so nas izvlekli neki delavci in res, če potegnem črto, lahko rečem, da je bilo super. Ravno take neumnosti so tiste, ki si jih na koncu najbolj zapomniš in te vsakič znova nasmejijo.

Z ljubeznijo, Neja