
sreda, 10. april 2013

This Is How I Spent My 27th Birthday

I remember the feeling, the taste ... of a song. The sun's heat on my eyelids. Desire to 'escape'. Lightness on the shoulders. Our forest, which lies close to  ... something. We're just ours. Your true self ... freedom. No sounds, noise, questions ... just stillness. When the soul speaks. The kiss of spring on fingertips ... I want to stay ... at this picnic of emotions.

With Love, Neja
Spomnim se občutka, okusa... pesmi. Toplote sonca na vekah. Želje po 'pobegniti'. Lahkote na ramenih. Najin gozd, ki leži blizu... nečesa. Sva samo najina. Tvoj pravi jaz... svoboda. Nič šumenja, hrupa, motenj, vprašanj... samo mirovanje, tišina. Ko duša spregovori. Poljub pomladi na konicah prstov... želim ostati... na temu pikniku čustev.

Z ljubeznijo, Neja